
Upcoming Price Increases – Order your Instrument Today

2015-08-20T01:47:27+00:00January 24th, 2011|

After very many years of holding firm on pricing. Ithaca Stringed Instruments is implementing an across the board price increase. In an effort to accommodate you folks who may have been on the fence or are contemplating ordering an instrument sometime this year, I will hold prices as they are now for all orders taken [...]

Dan Hoffman Leaves ISI

2015-08-18T13:32:11+00:00April 18th, 2006|

After many fun, productive and exciting years together, Dan Hoffman has left ISI to focus on his own violin making. That was a good run Dan we wish you the very best. His excellent and capable handiwork can still be found in some of our instruments. Particularly in the fine varnish work found on our [...]

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